Sunday, January 21, 2007

Two days of relaxation at last!

I am blogging and listening to "Persuasion" by Jane Austen at the same time. So if I start writing about captains and ships you will know why. I like that the character "Anne" also has an "e" on the end of her name.

Chapter Seven: "A very few days more, and Captain Wentworth was known to be at Kellynch, and Mr. Musgrove had called on him, and come back warm in his praise, and he was engaged with the Crofts to dine at Uppercross, by the end of another week."

Wow! That's a lot of "and's" and commas for one sentence! This is getting too confusing writing and listening to an audiobook. So I'm' switching over to music now. Shania Twain's: "You're Still the One".

So this is how my two days of relaxation has been, in Fort La Dee Da. All I need to do is pick up a surf board and my day will be complete.

I really should go to the beach...I haven't visited it in a while because I've been working every day. Ciao for now!


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