Saturday, February 03, 2007

The Art of First Dates

I was just speaking to my youngest Sister about dating casually. She is going on several "first dates" with people she has met online or in person. I told her about how I think it's important for all women who are interested in having serious relationships, to at some point in her life be "wined and dined" for a while, go on lots of dates, and meet lots of different people.

When you are dating casually and just for fun, there are so many things one learns about men and relationships, and well, just what your own personal needs are in a relationship.

When reminiscing with my youngest Sister about the many "first dates" that I have had over the years, I remembered that it was important for me to pass on a little secret to her. Once you've gone on so many dates, one really does learn how to master little techniques. My favorite one is: the reversal break off. This one took me years to master, I must confess. But I somehow found a way to completely reverse things so that the other person whom is interested in you ends up breaking up with you, so that you don't have to do the breaking up. I guess it's kind of like "How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days". But this technique if mastered, can really work wonders for a person, trust me! And to master the technique on a first date, is like shooting a three pointer and getting all net!


At 4:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Three Cheers ! ! ! for the Three Pointer.


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