Sunday, July 15, 2007

Runner's Training Log

I just went to the Runner's World online site, and found that they have an online "Training Log". It's really great! It tracks your miles, day by day, month by month. Totals up your miles, graphs your miles. You can record the routes you take, the shoes you wear, and any workouts you do. I really like it and will also recommend it to my Dad (who is now the #1 runner in the family!) But I really recommend it to anyone. It is not tracking weight loss, which sometimes can be very aggravating to do. It's not telling you how much you should run, or how, or where, it's a log for your own personal growth.


At 3:24 PM, Blogger Namir said...

I have always pictured you as a runner. Do you run often Ann-with-an 'E.'


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