I don't know if any of you out there have gone without having a cell for a while and cherished the freedom of no longer being glued to a phone. I have. In fact, I went a whole month without a cell phone, and I have to say it was very liberating. When the time came for me to get a phone, (too many people were unhappy about not being able to contact me) I was loathing my return to the world of "missed calls, stories, explanations, uh-huhs, yes'es, OK I'll do that soon's, oh no of course I missed talking to you".
The funniest part about not having a cell phone was watching the fear come over my friend's faces when they found out I was without one. It was like all of a sudden I was about to be attacked by BigFoot and there was no way I would survive because I didn't have a cell phone to call them for help. My friends panicked, they couldn't handle it. So anyways, in truth, I went back for them.
It hasn't been horrible having a cell phone, but I have to admit I did sort of miss the freedom I felt from no longer being attached to it. It was like another appendage had grown on my body, an annoying appendage that wouldn't stop ringing, and I'd finally freed myself of it.
Well, today, completely by my own mistake my phone got turned off. I never received my phone bill and thought that I had until the 15th to pay it. It's a month to month phone payment deal. So here I am, for one day, Cell-less again; being completely selfish and loving it!