Reporting from DC
Hello all! I'm in Washington D.C. today. It's beautiful here, the trees are blooming, the sun is shining. It's one of those days that feels like Spring and Summer have merged into one state of being. I love it! Life is good. Dreams of Milan and Cinque Terre have resurfaced in my thoughts, and I see a beautiful journey soon to be traveled on the horizon. Next month I shall be traveling to Nashville. And soon my Dear Sister will be visiting me in Fort Lauderdale. Not to mention that my Brother is finally marrying the woman of my dreams. (I probably shouldn't be saying such things in a blog where everything can be taken the wrong way, but alas, today is a "Moon River" sort of day. And, "Anything Goes".) I hope each and every one of you reading this is having as good of a day as I am today. This is Sara signing off direct from the Nation's capitol. Until we meet again....