Home Alone on a Saturday Night!
This could be viewed as really lame, or as a blessing. I think it's a combination of both. I work two jobs and rarely have any free time. I forget what day it is all the time, and feel content when I can remember my name or age. 30 now, wow! Good job, Sara! And look, I just remembered my name too!
So many people seem to have the "blues" right now. Including myself. The strange thing is, I was blue last year around this time. And so were many of the same people that are blue now.
I was remembering my Sister telling me via a silly IM last year around this time something that I found profound. Little did she realize I would find such profoundness in it, I think she was just trying to keep me upbeat. But here's the story...
I was sad (had the blues) about my life. And I was complaining to her through IM's:
"Why can't life be like Charles Wysocki picture? In the Charles Wysocki pictures, there are pretty landscapes, happy faces, apple butter, ice skating, cocoa breaks, kite flying, hopscotch while carrying an ice cream cone, root beer festival's, quilting bee's, etc ."
And my Sister IM'ed me back saying:
"It is."
And I said:
"No, it's not! In my picture there's gloom, trees without leaves, dark clouds, lightning, someone tripping while playing hopscotch and the ice cream spilling all over them, people crying. No happy faces."
And then she IM'ed me back saying:
"Look Again!"
This might not strike you personally as an earthshattering statement. But for me that "Look Again", really did the trick at the time. And I still remind myself at times like these, when I have the blues, (and I suppose the mean reds too) of that statement.
Look Again!